11 December 2010

Garlic for treating hypertension

In addition to cooking spices were garlic saving benefits for the treatment material. One is to help lower high blood pressure.

The research team of University of Adelaide, Australia, studied 50 patients who are taking blood pressure-lowering drugs. Half of them were then given a placebo pill or supplement empty. The other half is given four garlic supplement pill every day for 12 weeks.

At the end of the experiment, participants who consumed garlic supplements have lower blood pressure compared with participants who do not eat them.

"Our experiments to assess the effect, tolerance and acceptance of garlic extracts as the addition of anti-hypertensive medication," said Karl Ried, one of the researchers as quoted by Fox News.

Systolic blood pressure of patients taking the garlic extract, the number 10 mmHg lower than in patients who do not eat them. Garlic does have long been known to increase heart health and has been shown to have a positive effect on the reduction of high blood pressure, trigger heart attacks.

"If someone had to lower high blood pressure, the first important thing to do is to avoid salt, then the second is to exercise. It would be better if he was also taking garlic supplements," Dr. Christopher Cannon, cardiologist, added.

Although effectively lower blood pressure, consumption of garlic supplements should be under medical supervision. That's because the uncontrolled consumption of supplements that can thin the blood, limiting the ability of freezing, and may react negatively when interacting with some drug material.

1 comment:

  1. This information could be really useful to an awful lot of people with hypertension concerns. onions may reduce high blood pressure if consumed regularly, it really works because of its therapeutic virtues. Thanks again
